
Each column has two arrows next to the column title. Use these arrows to sort by that column.


  1. Click the down arrow to sort ascending by name.

  1. Click the up arrow to sort descending by name.

Sorting Documents

Open documents have sorting options as well. Any open document may be sorted by any columns with sorting arrows image\Sorting_Arrows.jpg next to it. This sort feature allows you to sort by any column within a document.

NOTE: This feature may not be available to users with a custom style sheet.

You may now sort your order information by any of the columns with the image\Sorting_Arrows.jpg arrows next to it. Click on the up image\Up_Arrow.jpg arrow to sort ascending, and the down image\Down_Arrow.jpg arrow to sort descending.


Alternate Store View

This option lists a line item by store location. In this view there is only one store per line.

NOTE: This feature may not be available to users with a custom style sheet.